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Hub. 085 666 110 55, Oil and Gas Mining Protection

  • Hub. 085 666 110 55, Oil and Gas Mining Protection


Harga : Rp500.000
Tipe : Jual
Tanggal : 21 Agustus 2023
Kondisi : Baru
Lokasi : Batu Ampar Industrial Centre A3A Jl. Todak – Batu Ampar, Batam – Indonesia

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Pipe Protector Supra Teknologi Plastik

Pipe Protector Supra Teknologi Plastik is one of business located in Batam, Indonesia. Supra Teknologi Plastik believes that strategic sustainability initiatives can be the motivating force for Supra Teknologi Plastik to become a global company that creates value and commitment in long term sustainability. You can visit our website at https://suprateknologiplastik.com/ 

For decades we have been forming our speciality to producing high grade quality of close end pipe Protectors for API and Premium connections in any variant size tubings and casings, to keeping up with the market needs and competitive prices, we have been established efficiency of working flow system and still managed and maintaining our quality of our products. We believe that our competence and methods through our experience, we can face market competition and meet customer standard requirements. You can visit our website at https://suprateknologiplastik.com/ or contact our CS at +62 865 6611 055

For your information, here are some of our variant Protectors sizes and types:

1. Full Plastic: 2-3/8”, 2-7/8”, 3-1/2”. 4”, 4-1/2”, 5”, 5-1/2”, 6-5/8”

2. Composite: 4-1/2”, 5”, 5-1/2”, 6-5/8”, 7”, 7-5/8”, 9-5/8”, 9-7/8”, 10-3/4”, 11-3/4”, 13-3/8”, 13-5/8”, 16”, 18-5/8”, 20”

Contact Us :

Mr. Priariausdi

+62 865 6611 055 / +62 856 611 055


Batu Ampar Industrial Centre A3A

Jl. Todak – Batu Ampar, Batam – Indonesia

Telp. (0778) 411501, (0778) 412049

Our Social Media

Website : suprateknologiplastik.com  

Facebook : www.facebook.com/suprateknologiplastik

Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UC5N55GV48GpbWZBY_AU1oRg 

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